<< Click to view Details >>  
  10/07-10/08/2024 Presiding over a one-month summer retreat and bestowing empowerments  
  21/06-07/07/2024 Dharma Activities in USA  
  06/07/2024 Wishing His Holiness the great 14th Dalai Lama a happy 89th Birthday!  
  06-07/2024 Dharma propagation in USA  
  24/05/2024 Bestowed the empowerment to the entire assembly of school masters and disciples  
  24/05/2024 Presented robes to the monks and nuns  
  23/05/2024 Presided over the completion of the 54th Kama Drubchoed  
  21/05/2024 Bestowed the Long-Life empowerment at the Dickey Larsoe  
  17-23/05/2024 Presided over the 54th Kama Drubchoed  
  12/05/2024 give Refuge vows and Amitabha Empowerment in Singapore  
  03/05/2024 Presided over the completion day of the one-month retreat in Nepal  
  27/04/2024 Presided at the Retreat and gave Empowerment in Nepal  
  20/04/2024 Presided at the Retreat and gave Empowerment in Nepal  
  13/04/2024 Visited school in Nepal  
  04/04/2024 Presiding over the one-month retreat of the ‘Buddha in the Palm of the Hand’ in Nepal  
  24/02/2024 Presided over the completion of Maha-Sadhana  
  17-24/02/2024 Presided over the 64th Maha-Sadhana  
  10/02/2024 Presided over the ceremony of welcomed the Wood-Male Dragon Year  
  20/01/2024 January 20, 2024, The completion day of the 35th Ngagyur Nyingma Monlam Chenmo  
  11-20/01/2024 presided over the 35th Ngagyur Nyingma Monlam Chenmo at Bodh Gaya  
  31/12/2023 Happy 12th Birthday to Penor Yangsi Rinpoche  
  23-24/12/2023 Invited to preside over the pujas in Hong Kong  
  14/12/2023 presided over the puja of the forty-ninth day of passing into parinirvana in Sikkim  
  20~22/10/2023 Completion of Dharma propagation trip in Nepal from September to October  
  18~19/10/2023 Invited to visit monasteries and holy places in the Yormo Valley of Nepal, conducted dharma, gave empowerments and blessings to believers.  
  10~12/10/2023 Invited to visit Monasteries & construction foundation of Guru Rinpoche in Nepal, for consecrations, empowerments and blessings  
  03~08/10/2023 Invited to visit several Monasteries in Nepal, for consecrations, empowerments and blessings  
  30/09~02/10/2023 Visited many sacred places of Guru Rinpoche, and gave teachings and blessings to the prince and believers in Nepal.  
  29/09/2023 Visited Buddhist school and Monasteries in Nepal  
  05/08/2023 Presided over puja at New York Retreat Centre on competition day  
  21/07/2023 Presided over the First Turning of the Wheel of Dharma and Life Release  
  15/07/2023 Bestowed the Vajrakilaya and the Tara empowerment at Palyul Retreat Centre in New York  
  10/07/2023 Presided at the retreat in New York  
  01/07~02/07/2023 Invited to New York for giving teachings and empowerment  
  06/07/2023 Wishing His Holiness the great 14th Dalai Lama a happy 88th Birthday!  
  12/06~13/06/2023 gave teachings and blessings for Ladakh's nomadic herders  
  10/06~11/06/2023 Presided over the long life empowerment, consecration ceremony and gave teachings at Ladakh  
  09/06/2023 Groundbreaking ceremony for new temple and consecration for library & gave teachings and bestowed empowerment  
  07/06/2023 Invited to Ladakh (India-Pakistan Border) for presiding over pujas  
  04/06/2023 Completion of the 53rd Kama Sadhana in auspiciousness  
  01/06~02/06/2023 Presided over annual account conference and the Garcham  
  29/05~04/06/2023 Presided over the Great Accomplishment Ceremony of the Saga Dawa Month  
  27/05/2023 Presided over the one-month retreat in Nepal  
  03/05~08/05/2023 Dharma Activities in Nepal  
  28/04/2023 Presiding at the one-month retreat in Nepal  
  17/04/2023 Bestowed the Long Life empowerment to the public of Kollegal  
  08/04/2023 Presided over the Namchoe Dzogchen on completion day  
  27/03/2023 Presided at the refuge ritual and gave teachings  
  07/03/2023 bestowed blessings upon all attendees on completion day of Maha-Sadhana  
  07/03/2023 Presided over the completion of Maha-Sadhana  
  28/02~07/03/2023 Presiding over the annual Maha-Sadhana  
  25/02/2023 Preached teachings in Malaysia  
  21/02/2023 Presided at ceremony of the Losar 2023  
  08/02/2023~ Presided at Himalayan monasteries  
  22-31/01/2023 The 34th Nyingma Monlam Chenmo (the World Peace Ceremony) 2  
  22-31/01/2023 The 34th Nyingma Monlam Chenmo (the World Peace Ceremony) 1  
  18/01/2023 Making Tenshug Offering for His Holiness the Dalai Lama  
  31/12/2022 Happy 11th Birthday to Penor Yangsi Rinpoche  
  29/11/2022 new established Nunnery Dharma Center in Taiwan  
  03/11/2022 Preside over the puja on the auspicious day of Guru Rinpoche  
  01/11/2022 Gave teachings and environmental inspection at the Nunnery  
  31/10/2022 Gave teachings and bestowed refuge vows  
  30/10/2022 Meeting for the Annual Nyingma Prayer and Renovation inspection of the monastery  
  27-28/10/2022 The 8th Seminar on the Distinct View and Philosophy of the Ngagyur Nyingma  
  09-10/08/2022 One-month retreat of the ‘Liberation in the Palm of your Hand’ successfully completed  
  07/08/2022 Presided at the Long-Life Empowerment at Palyul Center in New York, USA  
  06/08/2022 Hosted the 25th Anniversary Celebration of Nyingma Palyul Dharma Center in New York, USA  
  23/07/2022 Presided over pujas at New York Retreat Center  
  06/07/2022 Wishing His Holiness the great 14th Dalai Lama a happy 87th Birthday!  
  17/06/2022 Presenting robes to sangha  
  16/06/2022 Led the Non-Sectarian Seminar on the Great Texts  
  13-14/06/2022 Completion of the Kama Sadhana - Lamp Offering Prayer and Dedication  
  12/06/2022 Presided over the Garcham and readout of 2021 annual accounts  
  09-12/06/2022 Bestowed the Long-Life empowerment and held a ground-breaking ceremony  
  09/06/2022 Presided at the display of giant Thangka of Buddha Sakyamuni and annual conference  
  08-14/06/2022 Presiding over the Great Accomplishment Ceremony  
  24-25/05/2022 Invited to visit monasteries and Buddhist school near the himalayas  
  22/05/2022 Concluded by mandala offering and feast offerings, butter lamp prayers, empowerment and dedications  
  21/05/2022 The retreat completion of the Namchoe Dzogchen  
  18/05/2022 Visited the monastery and gave teachings  
  16/05/2022 Visited the monastery and bestowed empowerment  
  15/05/2022 Invited as main guest to bestow the certificates for the institute and give teachings  
  14/05/2022 Bestowed the empowerment of Buddha Amitabha Pure-land  
  10-11/05/2022 Blessed the Relic-Stupa of H.H. at the Retreat Centre; consecrated the statues and stupas of new center in Nepal  
  08/05/2022 Invited for made speech and visited well-knowledge monastery  
  05/05/2022 Visited Ngagyur Palyul Jangchub Dhargyeling at Nubri in Nepal by request  
  03/05/2022 Visited Nepal Ngagyur Memorial School  
  30/04/2022 Bestowed the empowerment of Mingling Vajrasattva  
  23/04/2022 Hosted one-month retreat of the "Buddha in the Palm of the Hand" in Nepal  
  13/04/2022 Dharma Activities between April 8 and 12  
  25/03/2022 Gave the refuge vows of the Three Jewels to the newly admitted monks and nuns  
  18/03/2022 Presided over the completion of Maha-Sadhana  
  12/03/2022 Presided at the 62nd Maha-Sadhana  
  08/03/2022 Presided at the Mahaparinirvana offerings of His Holiness Dodrubchen Rinpoche in Sikkim  
  03/03/2022 Activities of the Losar  
  02/03/2022 Presided over Tibetan year-end pujas  
  21/02/2022 The announcement of the passing of His Holiness Dudjom Rinpoche III  
  30/01/2022 Announcement of the passing away of H.H. Dodrupchen Rinpoche  
  05/12/2021 The Taiwan Nyingma Monlam for the year 2021  
  10/08/2021 Presided over the completion puja of the retreat  
  11~14/07/2021 Gave teachings & presided over puja at Retreat Center, New York  
  06/07/2021 Wishing His Holiness the great 14th Dalai Lama a happy 86th Birthday!  
  30/05,01/06/2021 The monastery has vaccinated sangha and local Tibetan people with the Covid-19 Vaccine  
  26/05/2021 Teaching on Saga Dawa  
  15/04/2021 New management team and inspected scriptures debate  
  14/04/2021 Inspected Dharma practice of the sangha and Dedication  
  12/04/2021 Paid homage to the Relic Stupa and inspected Nunnery Institute  
  08/04/2021 Gave the refuge vows, offered meals to the monks and teachings  
  07/04/2021 Awarded Degree Certificates and gave teachings  
  06/04/2021 The Prime Minister of Tibetan government-in-exile paid an official visit to Namdroling Monastery  
  05/04/2021 Made lamp offerings and prayers for Taiwan train accident  
  03/04/2021 Received the monks from the Institute  
  01/04/2021 Presided over the completion day of practicing the Buddha in the Palm of the Hand  
  31/03/2021 Concluded with Phowa practice & gave teaching of Buddha dharma propagation  
  28/03/2021 Smoke offering & Obstacles clearing pujas for world peace  
  24/03/2021 Presided at the faculties handover ceremony of university  
  23/03/2021 Presented rewards of excellence for Nunnery Jr. High School  
  23/03/2021 Presided at the inauguration ceremony of Lamp Offering House  
  21/03/2021 Presided at personnel reassignment ceremony of Department Heads  
  20/03/2021 Presented awards of excellence for Jr. High School  

Gifted pocket money and thermosteel flask etc., to all nuns

  17/03/2021 Gifted petty cash and thermosteel flask etc., to sangha in the monastery  
  15/03/2021 Presided over the Board meeting  
  07~10/03/2021 Sangha return to monastery and receive Covid Vaccine  
  06/03/2021 Visited TT Day Care Medical Center  
  04/03/2021 Presided over puja for the Mahaparinirvana Ceremony of H.H. Tulku Thupten Palzang Rinpoche and Dzogchen Teaching  
  02/03/2021 gave Ngondro (Preliminary practice) teachings  
  28/02/2021 Inspecting the Monastery  
  27/02/2021 presided over the completion of Drubchen  
  19/02/2021 Rinpoche made Gold offering for gilding the holy statue of Lord Buddha Sakyamuni  
  19/02/2021 Gold gilt offering for holy statues  
  31/12/2020 Happy 9th Birthday of His Holiness the Yangsi Rinpoche  
  25/12/2020 Chotrul offers to paint monastery & gild statue  
  06/12/2020 Rinpoche provided over 50,000 masks to Namdroling  
  17/11/2020 Rinpoche makes offerings for repainting monastery  
  07/11/2020 Rinpoche presides over Taiwan Nyingma Monlam  
  02/09/2020 graciously gifted money and face masks to monastery and nearby Tibetan settlements
  13/08/2020 Rinpoche was invited to attend International Tibetan Buddhism Propagation Forum  
  29/07/2020 Guru Rinpoche’s birthday  
  06/07/2020 Wishing His Holiness the great 14th Dalai Lama a happy 85th Birthday!  
  03/06/2020 Palyul Bodh Gaya Monastery 2020 annual activities  
  28/05/2020 Palyul Bodh Gaya Monastery donated and distributed food to the needy people  
  07/05/2020 Kyabje Gyang khang Chotrul Rinpoche was invited by International Buddhist Confederation to give speech online  
  02/05/2020 Kyabje Rinpoche donated supplies for life  
  24/04/2020 the sangha returned Bhutan safely  
  05/04/2020 Light Offering Prayer  
  02/04/2020 donation to combat Covid-19  
  22/03/2020 announcements regarding COVID-19  
  12/03/2020 gave Ngondro (Preliminary practice) teachings  
  10/03/2020 bestowed the refuge vow  
  09/03/2020 presided over the completion of Drubchen  
  08/03/2020 On the 7th day of Drubchen, Puja of Performing the Bringing of Siddhi  
  07/03/2020 On the 6th day of Drubchen, Sadhana practice the Enrichment Fire Puja  
  06/03/2020 On the 5th day of Drubchen, led the sangha to recite mantras of Vajra Armour and Pranashavari for quick recovery from current outbreak of coronavirus epidemic.  
  05/03/2020 On the 4th day of Drubchen, Clearing obstacles and bestowing blessings  
  04/03/2020 On the 3rd Day of Drubchen, coinciding with auspicious day of Guru Rinpoche  
  03/03/2020 Expelling of obstacles and negative spirits, and descent of blessing on the 2nd Day of Drubchen  
  02/03/2020 Rinpoche presided over the Annual 60th Drubchen (Sadhana Practice) Ceremony in Namdroling Monastery  
  28/02/2020 Gold gilt offering for holy statues  
  24/02/2020 welcome the Iron Mouse Year  
  26/01/-04/02/2020 Rinpoche’s schedule at Palyul Bodhgaya Monastery  
  26/01/-04/02/2020 the 31st Ngagyur Nyingma Monlam Chenmo 6  
  26/01/-04/02/2020 the 31st Ngagyur Nyingma Monlam Chenmo 5  
  26/01/-04/02/2020 the 31st Ngagyur Nyingma Monlam Chenmo 4  
  29/01/2020 Rinpoche made prayers for obstacles to disease eradication   
  26/01/-04/02/2020 the 31st Ngagyur Nyingma Monlam Chenmo 3  
  26/01/-04/02/2020 the 31st Ngagyur Nyingma Monlam Chenmo 2  
  26/01/-04/02/2020 the 31st Ngagyur Nyingma Monlam Chenmo 1  
  21/12/2019 Presiding over the puja at community Palyul Center in California  
  15/12/2019 Presiding over the puja at community Palyul Center in Ohio  
  08/12/2019 Presiding over the puja at community Palyul Center in New York  
  07/12/2019 conducting the Consecration Ceremony in New York  
  06/12/2019 conducting the Consecration Ceremony in New York  
  01/12/2019 Presiding over the puja for commemorating the 600th anniversary of Lama Tsongkhpa  
  29/11/2019 The United States Ambassador to India visits Namdroling Monastery  
  25/11/2019 Receiving the board directors of Nyingma Monlam  
  22/11/2019 Hosting the inauguration of the Varanasi Library  
  21/11/2019 Conducting Rigzin Duepa Tsok offering at the newly built sacred relic stupa of H.H. Penor Rinpoche  
  17-19/11/2019 Presides over the third Nepal Monlam Chenmo  
  30-31/10/2019 Commemorating the 291st Maha-Parinirvana Anniversary of the Omniscient Jigme Lingpa  
  26~27/10/2019 Rinpoche presides over the pujas at Philippine Palyul Center  
  10~13/09/2019 Gyang Khang Chotrul Rinpoche was invited to visit the Dalai Lama's residence  
  13/09/2019 Long Life Offering to HH Dalai Lama  
  31/08/2019 Rinpoche bestowed empowerment in Singapore  
  28/08/2019 Gyang Khang Chotrul Rinpoche will serve as chairman of the 31st Annual Ngagyur Nyingma Monlam Chenmo in 2020  
  27/08/2019 Rinpoche bestows the refuge vow  
  21/08/2019 Gyang Khang Chotrul Rinpoche presided over the completion ceremony for retreatants  
  11/08/2019 Chotrul presides at the puja in Pennsylvania, USA  
  10/08/2019 The King of Bhutan graciously gifted Namdroling a bus  
  03~04/08/2019 Chotrul presides at puja in New York  
  10/07/2019 Chotrul leads one-month retreat in New York 2  
  10/07/2019 Chotrul leads one-month retreat in New York  
  18/06/2019 Rinpoche has been invited by the King of Bhutan  
  17/06/2019 Lamp Offering Prayer and Dedication at Kama Sadhana  
  16~17/06/2019 Wrathful Lama Dance and Fire Puja of Four Activities  
  15/06/2019 Performance of the ritual dance  
  12/06/2019 Rinpoche presided over the Annual Kama Sadhana  
  04/05/2019 Chotrul presides at Retreat of Ngondro Practice  
  01/05/2019 Chotrul bestowing Empowerment of Three roots in Nepal  
  26/04/2019 Chotrul's dharma propagation in Nepal  
  24/04/2019 Giving teachings at the puja of the Hundred Million Recitations of Vajra Guru Mantra at Mount Everest  
  23/04/2019 Preside over the puja of the Hundred Million Recitations of Vajra Guru Mantra at Mount Everest  
  20/04/2019 Chotrul Led Mandala Offering Practice  
  13/04/2019 Chotrul bestowing Empowerment in Nepal  
  12/04/2019 Activities of the Ngagyur Memorial School in Nepal  
  10/04/2019 Meal gathering in Nepal  
  06/04/2019 One-Month Retreat on Ngondro preliminary practice  
  22/03/2019 Rinpoche led the Phowa practice  
  15/03/2019 The result declaration day of Ngagyur Nyingma Institute  
  14/03/2019 The result declaration day of Ngagyur Nyingma Institute  
  05/03/2019 Practicing the Liberation in the palm of your hand  
  01/03/2019 Hon’ble Chief Minister visited Namdroling Monastery  
  22/02/2019 Starting the One-Month Retreat  
  20/02/2019 Rinpoche gave ordination to sangha  
  19/02/2019 The completion of Ratling Thukdrub Sadhana Practice  
  18/02/2019 Rinpoche presided over the Enrichment Fire Puja  
  17/02/2019 Rinpoche presided over the Sadhana Practice  
  14/02/2019 Rinpoche presided at the Sadhana Practice  
  12/02/2019 Conducts Opening of the Mandala of Ratling Thugdrub  
  10/02/2019 Meeting His Highness the King of Sikkim  
  09/02/2019 Paying homage to His Holiness Dodrubchen Rinpoche  
  05/02/2019 Puja for welcoming the Earth Female Pig Year  
  16/01/2019 The completion of the 30th Nyingma Monlam Chenmo  
  15/01/2019 Gold gilt offering for holy statues  
  13/01/2019 Poverty Relief  
  11/01/2019 Rinpoche gives teachings to Himalayan group  
  07/01/2019 The 30th Ngagyur Nyingma Monlam Chenmo  
  06/01/2019 The 30th Ngagyur Nyingma Monlam Chenmo  
  02/01/2019 Empowerments of Konchog Chedhue & Karling Zhithro  
  27/12/2018 3rd Mahaparinirvana Anniversary of HH Jadre Rinpoche  
  25/12/2018 the Cremation Ceremony of HH Kathok Getse Rinpoche  
  25/09/2018 Yangthang Rinpoche's parinirvana  
  22~24/09/2018 Yangthang Rinpoche's parinirvana  
  02~09/09/2018 Rinpoche’s Buddhadharma activities in Malaysia  
  01/09/2018 Rinpoche presiding over the puja in Malaysia  
  27/08/2018 Rinpoche presiding over the puja in Hong Kong  
  21-22/07/2018 Rinpoche at the Tsuklakhang Palace in Sikkim  
  19/07/2018 Rinpoche presiding at puja in West-Bengal  
  17/07/2018 Rinpoche bestowed empowerment and teachings  
  16/07/2018 Rinpoche arrived the Monastery at Darjeeling  
  09/07/2018 Gyang Khang Khentrul Rinpoche invited for lunch with State Minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation Nepal  
  07/07/2018 Rinpoche confer Long-Life Empowerment in Nepal 2  
  07/07/2018 Rinpoche confer Long-Life Empowerment in Nepal 1  
  01/07/2018 Rinpoche teaching Preliminary Practice in Nepal  
  30/06/2018 Rinpoche teaching Preliminary Practice in Nepal  
  26/06/2018 Invited for blessing the hotel in Nepal  
  23/06/2018 Guru Rinpoche Day-Rinpoche bestows Empowerment  
  22/06/2018 Gyang Khang Khentrul Rinpoche is giving oral transmission of Palyul Prayers in Nepal  
  18/06/2018 Rinpoche is invited to Nepal Buddhist Lotus Nun Association  
  17/06/2018 Rinpoche bestows blessings and teachings in Nepal  
  01-30/06/2018 Rinpoche teaching Preliminary Practice of Great Perfection in Nepal 3  
  10/06/2018 Blessed the family of Jamling Tenzin Norgay with the Long Life Empowerment  
  01-30/06/2018 Rinpoche teaching Preliminary Practice of Great Perfection in Nepal 2  
  01-30/06/2018 Rinpoche teaching Preliminary Practice of Great Perfection in Nepal 1  
  29-30/05/2018 Saga Dawa Puja at Namdroling Monastery, India 2018  
  28-29/05/2018 Saga Dawa Puja at Namdroling Monastery, India 2018  
  26/05/2018 Saga Dawa Puja at Namdroling Monastery, India 2018  
  25/05/2018 Saga Dawa Puja at Namdroling Monastery, India 2018  
  22-24/05/2018 Saga Dawa Puja at Namdroling Monastery, India 2018  
  29/04/2018 Consecration Ceremony of HH Penor Rinpoche's Relic Stupa  
  02/04/2018 Gyang Khang Khentrul Rinpoche teaching Phowa practice  
  03/2018 Rinpoche issued Annual Award of Merit  
  03/2018 Rinpoche's schedule at Monastery  
  02~03/2018 Rinpoche presided over annual grand puja  
  25/02/2018 Rinpoche presided over Display of Guru's Thangka  
  26/01/2018 The completion of the Ngagyur Nyingma Monlam Chenmo  
  01/2018 29th Ngagyur Nyingma Monlam Chenmo  
  22/12/2017 Convocation Ceremony of Namdroling Monastery  
  19/12/2017 Painting the Buddha's eyes on statues  
  24/11/2017 Rinpoche consecrates the Nyingma temple in Assam  
  21/11/2017 Templesˇ copper roof gilded by gold  
  02/11/2017 Renovation in Namdroling Monastery  
  20/10/2017 A pilgrimage to the sacred place - Tso Pema  
  19/10/2017 Rinpoche is invited to offer prayers at the cremation ceremony of the holy body of H.H. Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche  
  10/2017 Rinpoche was invited to Malaysia  
  07/2017 Rinpoche bestowing Empowerment at New York  
  06/2017 Rinpoche presides over Saga Dawa Puja at Namdroling Monastery  
  25/05/2017 Rinpoche presides over the puja of Empowerment of Longevity in Nepal  
  21/05/2017 Rinpoche presides over the puja of Empowerment of Amitabha in Nepal  
  16/05/2017 Rinpoche presides over the puja of Empowerment of Guru Padmasambhav in Nepal  
  13/05/2017 Rinpoche presides over the puja of Empowerment of Vajrasattava in Nepal.  
  03/05/2017 Rinpoche presides over the puja of Green Tara Empowerment in Nepal.  
  05/2017 Rinpoche is leading the 1-month Ngondro (Preliminary practice) retreat in Nepal.  
  13/04/2017 Rinpoche gives the teaching of Phowa Practice  
  04/2017 Rinpoche issues the Annual Award of Merit  
  03/2017 New ordained sangha offered the hair cutting  
  03/2017 Rinpoche giving teachings at Namdroling Monastery  
  05/03-12/03/2017 Annual Puja at Namdroling Monastery  
  04/02/2017 Making gold gilt offering for the statue of Lord Buddha  
  28/01-06/02/2017 Nyingma Monlam Chenmo World Peace Prayer  
  06/12/2016 Rinpoche presides over puja in Sikkim  
  04/12/2016 Rinpoche giving blessings at Nyingma Monasteries  
  03/12/2016 Rinpoche presiding at Rigzin Dupa puja in Sikkim  
  01/12-02/12/2016 Cremation Ceremony of the late Yangthang Rinpoche  
  10/07-10/08/2016 The 19th Summer Retreat at Upstate New York  
  03/07/2016 Rinpoche presides Vajrakilaya puja at Sanzhi, Taiwan  
  17/06/2016 Rinpoche visit Mount Wutai  
  25/05/2016 Rinpoche grants blessings to Retreat Center etc  
  24/05/2016 Rinpoche provides Robes to Monks and Nuns of Namdroling Monastery  
  20/05/2016 Annual Financial Report of Namdroling Monastery  
  05/2016 Rinpoche presides over the annual Saga Dawa Duchen Puja at Namdroling Monastery, India  
  08/04/2016 Local community in Bylakuppe has invited Tulku Rinpoche to bestow an empowerment.  
  24/03/2016 Gyang Khang Khentrul Rinpoche invites Yangthang Rinpoche for Empowerment pujas at Namdroling Monastery  
  02/2016 The annual grand puja 2016  
  20/01/2016 Consecration of Reliquary Stupa  
  19/01/2016 The Inauguration Ceremony & Long-Life Empowerment  
  17/01/2016 Bodh Mahotsav 2016, Bodh Gaya  
  10-20/01/2016 Nyingma Monlam Chenmo  
  18/12/2015 Rinpoche invited to Himalayasl for pujas  
  04/12/2015 HH Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche invited for blessings  
  09/11/2015 Gyang Khang Khentrul Rinpoche in Switzerland  
  06/10/2015 Sacred relic of His Holiness placed inside the stupa  
  05/10/2015 Khentrul made Gold Gilt Offering for Lord Buddha  
  03/10/2015 Ceremony for the Relic Stupa of HH Penor Rinpoche  
  02/10/2015 Celebration activities after Summer Retreat  
  26/09/2015 Rinpoche issued the excellent academic awards  
  05/09~06/09/2015 Dharma Propagation in Taiwan  
  16/06/2015 Gyang Khang Khentrul Rinpocheˇs trip to Sichuann, China in 2015  
  23/05~03/06/2015 The annual Grand Drubchen Puja  
  25/04/2015 Prayers For Nepal  
  15/04/2015 Dharma Propagation at Pokhara, Nepal  
  05/04/2015 Phowa practice teaching  
  26-27/03/2015 Gyang Khang Khentrul issued Academic Merit Award  
  23/ 03/2015 Visit of the Minister of State for Home Affairs  
  03/2015 The construction of H.H. Stupa at Ani monastery  
  03/2015 Renovation project of the Golden Temple  
  19~28/02/2015 Preside over the Annual Grand Puja at Namdroling Monastery  
  19~28/02/2015 The Blessing Puja and Celebration Event for Tibetan New Year  
  20~29/01/2015 26th Annual Nyingma Monlam Chenmo - World Peace Prayer 2015  
  24~26/10/2014 Dharma Propagation in Hong Kong  
  06~12/10/2014 Rinpoche was invited for presided over pujas at Nyingma and Gelug Tibetan Monasteries in northern India  
  02~05/10/2014 Rinpoche preside over the puja in northern India  
  20~21/09/2014 Meeting of major religious traditions  
  09/09/2014 Khentrul Rinpoche presides over Life Release Puja  
  15/08~15/09/2014 Khentrul presides over summer retreat in New York  
  27/07~06/08/2014 Gyang Khang Khentrul Rinpoche - A trip to Baiyu  
  10/06/2014 Gyang Khang Khentrul Rinpoche confers Empowerment  
  29/05~27/06/2014 Dharma Propagation in the Vesak month  
  23/05~02/06/2014 Dharma Propagation of Taiwan in the Vesak month  
  07/04//2014 Certificate issued of Institutional Examination  
  20/03-29/03//2014 Research Methodology Workshop for PhD Course  
  19/03//2014 Nondro, Tsalung and Dzogchen Teachings (one month)  
  15/03/2014 Long Life Offering to HH Kyabje Jadrel Rinpoche  
  02/03/2014 Celebrating the Tibetan New Year 2014  
  10/02~31/01/2014 Invited for the workshop of EXCELLENCE IN LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT in Nepal  
  10/02~31/01/2014 The Chairman of the25th Nyingma Monlam Chenmo (World Peace Prayer Ceremony) at Bodh Gaya  
  11/07/2013 Dalai Lama came to visit the Golden Temple  
  03/08~04/08/2013 Tulku granted the empowerment at Retreat Center in New York  
  23/05/2013 The Cremation Ceremony of the Kudung (Holy Body) of the late His Holiness Pema Norbu Rinpoche  
  03/2013 Annual Grand Puja at Namdroling Monastery India  
  12/01~21/01/2013 Nyingma Monlam Chenmo at Bodhgaya  
  14/07~05/08/2012 Summer Retreat Teachings in the United States  
  22/03~24/03/2012 Anniversary Puja for HH Penor Rinpoche  
  23/02~08/03/2012 52nd Annual Drupchen Ceremony at Namdroling Monastery  
  24/01~02/02/2012 Nyingma Monlam Chenmo International World Peace Ceremony  
  13/10~15/10/2011 The Invitation From Bhutanese King  
  22/09~24/09/2011 World Conference of Tibetan Buddhist Leaders  
  15/07~16/07/2011 Consecration Ceremony and Obstacle Clearing Prayer Puja held at Taiwan Center  
  05/06~15/06/2011 Preside over the Annual Grand Puja at Namdroling Monastery India  
  14/06/2011 Tulku invited by Tibetan Government to confer Amitayu long life Empowerment  
  13/06/2011 Distribute free new clothes to nuns of Namdroling Monastery  
  12/03~19/03/2011 The 22nd Nyingma Monlam Chenmo 2011, The Great Prayer for World Peace  
  03/09/2010 The 6th Commencement of NNI  
  10/07~10/08/2010 Summer Retreat Teachings in the United States  
  14/03~18/03/2010 Grand Anniversary Puja for the Late His Holiness Penor Rinpoche  
  16/01~25/01/2010 Nyingma Monlam Chenmo International World Peace Ceremony  
  11/10/2009 Puja of Cherishing the memory of the late His Holiness Penor Rinpoche  
  20/06/2009 Tsog Offering  
  27/02/2009 Gold Offering to the holy statue of Lord Buddha  
  27/01~05/02/2009 World Peace Prayer Ceremony  
  10/01/2009 Lives Release Ceremony in Singapore  
  01/07~30/08/2008 Dharma Propagation in Taiwan  
  02/05~03/05/2008 Attends the Tibetan Buddhism Leaders' Conference on behalf of the Nyingmapa Tradition  
  14/04/2008 Distribute free new clothes to all ordained students  
  29/03/2008 Dedication to the parinirvana of the H.H. Mindrol Trizin Rinpoche on the last day  
  15/03~25/03/2008 Invited to preside the puja at Bhutan Nyingmapa Monastery  
  07/02~21/02/2008 Guru Rinpoche Obstacles Clearing and Prayer Puja  
  08/01~18/01/2008 World Peace Prayers Grand Puja of Nyingma tradition  
  21/01~22/01/2006 Speech and New Year's Eve Grand Puja of Obstacles Clearing  































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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