Footsteps of Lord Buddha (1) Footsteps of Lord Buddha (2) Footsteps of Lord Buddha (3) Footsteps of Lord Buddha (4) Footsteps of Lord Buddha (5)  
Footsteps of Lord Buddha (6) Footsteps of Lord Buddha (7) Footsteps of Lord Buddha (8) Footsteps of Lord Buddha (9) Footsteps of Lord Buddha (10)  
Footsteps of Lord Buddha (11) Footsteps of Lord Buddha (12) Footsteps of Lord Buddha (13) Footsteps of Lord Buddha (14) Rinpoche chanting  
Living with wisdom
Practice in Life Entering the Inner Mind Strength in Adversity How to attain freedom and ease  
How to get out of the plight Sincere words that is Dharma-almsgiving Key factors of staying away from suffering How to tame one's own mind How to quell delusions  
Good thoughts is the cause of bliss and attainment Compassionate Life Protection and Release A crisis is a turning point The Meditation of Xinas Prayer with Lamp Offering  
Taming One’s Mind Evolving One’s Mind        

Causation - Excavating innate mind treasures
Preface – Blueprint for mind reconstruction
Foreword - Planning the exit path of life
1-1 The preciousness of this human birth
  –Only human can transcend the birth and death

1-2 The preciousness of this human birth
  –What is a blissful and perfectly satisfactory life

2-1 Impermanence and the certainty of death
  –Impermanence should be the motive of practice

2-2 Impermanence and the certainty of death
  –The key to relieve suffering

2-3 Impermanence and the certainty of death
   –Impermanence means we can’t mark expiration date for life

2-4 Impermanence and the certainty of death
   –Recognizing the fact of impermanence

3-1 Principle of cause and effect ("karma")
   –The destination and karma result in sajsara

3-2 Principle of cause and effect ("karma")
   –The karma results caused by ten evil karmas

3-3 Principle of cause and effect ("karma")
   –How to practice in life

4-1 The defects of this worldly life ("samsara")
   –Creating one’s own way of life

4-2 The defects of this worldly life ("samsara")
   –what is the source of suffering

5-1 Refuge
   –Toward the path of liberation

5-2 Refuge
   –entering path of the blessing

5-3 Refuge
   –The Meditation of the objects of refuge

6-1 Bodhicitta  (loving-kindness practice)
   –Turn the mind from benefiting oneself into others

6-2 Bodhicitta  (loving-kindness practice)
   –The things Bodhisattvas do

7-1 Mandala Offering
   –How to accumulate merit and virtue rapidly

7-2 Mandala Offering
   –The meditation of Mandala Offering

8-1 Vajrasattva Purification
   –What is the most supreme repentance practice

8-2 Vajrasattva Purification
   –What is the practice of Four Opponent Powers

8-3 Vajrasattva Purification
   –The meditation of Vajrasattva Purification

9-1 Guru Yoga
   –Excavating wisdom of self-nature

9-2 Guru Yoga
   –The meditation of Guru Yoga Practice

10-1 Phowa Practice
   –Why practicing Phowa

10-2 Phowa Practice
   –The meditation of Bardo practice

11 Postscript – Perfection of Tsok Offering

Causation - Excavating innate mind treasures
Preface – Blueprint for mind reconstruction
Foreword - Planning the exit path of life
1-1 The preciousness of this human birth
  –Only human can transcend the birth and death
1-2 The preciousness of this human birth
  –What is a blissful and perfectly satisfactory life

2-1 Impermanence and the certainty of death
  –Impermanence should be the motive of practice
2-2 Impermanence and the certainty of death
  –The key to relieve suffering
2-3 Impermanence and the certainty of death
  –Impermanence means we can’t mark expiration date for life
2-4 Impermanence and the certainty of death
  –Recognizing the fact of impermanence
3-1 Principle of cause and effect ("karma")
  –The destination and karma result in sajsara
3-2 Principle of cause and effect ("karma")
  –The karma results caused by ten evil karmas


3-3 Principle of cause and effect ("karma")
  –How to practice in life
4-1 The defects of this worldly life ("samsara")
  –Creating one’s own way of life
4-2 The defects of this worldly life ("samsara")
  –what is the source of suffering
5-1 Refuge –Toward the path of liberation
5-2 Refuge –entering path of the blessing
5-3 Refuge –The Meditation of the objects of refuge
6-1 Bodhicitta  (loving-kindness practice)
  –Turn the mind from benefiting oneself into others
6-2 Bodhicitta  (loving-kindness practice)
  –The things Bodhisattvas do
7-1 Mandala Offering
   –How to accumulate merit and virtue rapidly

7-2 Mandala Offering
   –The meditation of Mandala Offering
22 Life Release at Palyul Dharma Center in USA
20 Gold Offering
on the holy statue
11 The Invitation From Bhutanese King
11Conference of Tibetan Buddhist Leaders
11 Amitayu long life Empowerment
09 Puja of Cherish the memory o HH
09 World Peace
Prayer Ceremony
08 Pujas of Tibetan New Year 08 Pujas in Taiwan  
Reverence for
HH Penor Rinpoche
2009/5/23 Rainbow
amazing petals butter lamps
49th day Puja of H.H. parinirvana
Holy Body of HH to Main Temple
2009/3/21 Rainbow
Mandala Offering to H.H. Penor Rinpoche      
Namdroling Monastery
Annual Activities
Fire Offering
Lama Dance
Raising Giant Thankga
JR.High School
Ngagyur Nyingma Institute
Tsogyal Shedrubling Nunnery
Annual Report
New Clothes to Monks
Diet and Medical Care
Saga Dawa Puja 2017      
3D Blueprint
10 The Main Gate onsecration
09 Branch's Site Inspection


Gyang Khang Rinpoche Palyul Namdroling Teachings Activities Publications Buddhist Activities