May23, 2024 (The 15th day of 4th Tibetan month- the most auspicious day of Buddha Shakyamuni 's Birth, Enlightenment and Parinirvana), Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche bestowed the Blessing of Shadhana articles followed by the Lamp Offering Prayer, and ended the 54th Kama Drubchoed in auspiciousness.

Dedicated all the merit and virtue to sentient beings for the elimination of obstructions, accumulation of merits and virtue, peace and health, and auspicious wishes-fulfilling in both worldly and supramundane undertakings!

May22, 2024, Kyabje Rinpoche presided over the performance of the wrathful ritual dance of Kama Drubchoed.

May,21 .2024 - Kyabje Rinpoche presided over the Garcham (lama dance) of Kama Drubchoed, and the annual accounts of year 2023 of Namdroling Monastery was read out to the sangha community by the specific treasurer of the respective departments of the monastery in the evening. Later, Kyabje Rinpoche imparted spiritual guidance to all the monks and nuns, offering wisdom for their present and future lives.

May, 19.2024 - A conference on the annual account of the monastery was held in the Conference Hall of Namdroling Monastery in the evening.

May 18, 2024, Kyabje Rinpoche presided over the display of the gaint Thangka of Buddha Sakyamuni was displayed in the morning of the second day of the Kama Drubchoed, and in conjunction with the auspicious day of Guru Rinpoche.







































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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