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Date Itinerary 2023
31/12/2023 Happy 12th Birthday to Penor Yangsi Rinpoche
23-24/12/2023 Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche was invited to preside over the pujas, and bestowed empowerments and blessings to believers in Hong Kong.
14/12/2023 Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche presided over the puja at Tashi Choling Monastery marking the 49th day of the passing of Kjabje Soktse Rinpoche into parinirvana and also visited some holy places and monasteries at west Sikkim on the request of devotees.
20/10~22/10/2023 Starting from September and October, 2023, Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche invited to visit Nepal for 37 monasteries in Kathmandu, Mustang, Solu, Hyolmo, Pokhara, Chitwan, and Hetauda. During these visits, Kyabje Rinpoche provided empowerments, oral transmissions, consecrations for temples and religious items, and conducted land blessings.
October 20, 2023, Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche visited and presented certificates to 10th-grade students upon the request of Ngagyur Memorial School. Kyabje Rinpoche also presided over the opening ceremony of the Ngagyur Memorial Committee's charity committee and delivered a guiding speech.
October 21, 2023, Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche granted long life empowerment to the public at Chhyorten Tashi Tamang Monastery near Bodhanath Stupa, including Khandro Godhjang and Nyungney oral transmission.
October 22, 2023, Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche visited the Hyolmo Zabsang Dechen Odsal Choling in Tenchuli, bestowing long life empowerment and teachings.
19/10/2023 2023, Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche visited additional monasteries and offering audiences and spiritual advice to the public. Furthermore, Kyabje Rinpoche conducted a Long Life empowerment ceremony. The people of Yolmo showcased their cultural heritage through traditional songs and dances.
18/10/2023 Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche visited various monasteries and sacred sites, offering blessings to religious artifacts and providing spiritual guidance to the local community in Yolma Valley upon request of Mayor Nyima Gyeltsen from Yolmo, Nepal.
12/10/2023 Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche traveled to the 5th Camp of Salleri and performed a blessing ceremony on the land designated for the construction of a 108-foot Guru Rinpoche statue.
11/10/2023 Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche fulfilled a request to visit Drakgon Shedrub Tharling Monastery, where Kyabje Rinpoche granted empowerment to the sangha and devotees for Ratna Lingpa Tsedrub and Buddha Amitabha.
10/10/2023 Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche honored an invitation to visit Shorong Lura Samling Monastery in Sharkhumbu, Nepal. Kyabje Rinpoche presided over opening ceremony of the monastery and bestowed blessings. Subsequently, Kyabje Rinpoche visited Palyul Pema Tsokyed Ling Monastery and conducted a consecration ceremony for the temple.
03/10~08/10/2023 Invited to visit several Monasteries in Nepal, for consecrations, empowerments and blessings
02/10/2023 Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche visited the sacred place of Guru Rinpoche and conducted a Smoke Offering and gave an oral transmission of the mantras of Avaloketeshvara and Guru Rinpoche, along with the Seven Line Prayer, to the devoted public.
01/10/2023 Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche bestowed a long life empowerment to Lowo Gyalsey Jigme Dondup Namgyal and the devoted public at the request of Lowo Ngagpa Dratsang. Kyabje Rinpoche then toured the ancient and sacred sites, such as Jamchen Lhakhang, Monthang Choedhey, Tso Shar Garphug Gon, and the Monthang Ngagpa Dratsang. For the devoted public, Kyabje Rinpoche conducted an oral transmission on the mantras of Avaloketeshvara and Guru Rinpoche, fostering a spiritual connection.
30/09/2023 Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche visited Lowo Gekar Monastery, which was founded in the 8th century. This is the sacred site where the First Terton (Treasure Discoverer) Sangay Lama revealed Lama Gongdue. It is also the birthplace of Ngari Penchen Pema Wangyal and his brother, the Second Rigzin Demgong Ngari Rigzin Chenpo Lekdhen Dorji.
Kyabje Rinpoche was warmly received by the local people, the sangha, and the chief of Lowo Ngagpa Dratsang, Dr. Gyatso. Inside their main temple, Kyabje Rinpoche, along with the sangha, conducted a feast offering upon Rigzin Duepa. Then bestowed protection blessings and cleansing ritual for the public, and blessed the ritual items.
29/09/2023 Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche visited Shree Nalanda Buddhist School under the leadership of Khenpo Khyentse Palden in Tukuche, Mustang District, in northwestern Nepal at the request of Khen Rinpoche Khyentse Palden, and presided over the opening ceremony of the new hostel. In the afternoon, Kyabje Rinpoche bestowed the long life empowerment upon the devoted public.
Subsequently, Kyabje Rinpoche visited Samten Choling Monastery in Tukuche at the request of Khenpo Karma Herachen and the sangha community. There, Kyabje Rinpoche blessed the temple and its religious items, followed by granting an audience to the public.
Likewise, Kyabje Rinpoche also visited Kaberi Ogen Sang-Ngag Choling Monastery upon their request, blessing the temple and its religious items and granting an audience to the public.
05/08/2023 <The annual Namcho Ngondro, Tsalung & Dzogchen Teachings for one Month in Palyul Retreat Centre at Upstate New York>
August 5, 2023, Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche bestowed the Buddha Amitabha empowerment and the Long Life empowerment on the 6th of August to the faithful devotees.
21/07/2023 Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche led the devotees to commemorate the anniversary of the First Turning of the Wheel of Dharma and presided over the Life Release Ceremony at NYINGMA PALYUL DHARMA CENTER, in New York, USA.
15/07/2023 The annual Namcho Ngondro, Tsalung & Dzogchen Teachings for one Month in Palyul Retreat Centre at Upstate New York
10/07/2023 Presided by Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche, Chief of Namdroling Monastery and Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso Rinpoche along with Namdroling Tulku, Khenpo and monks have started the annual Namcho Ngondro, Tsalung & Dzogchen Teachings for one Month in Palyul Retreat Centre (Upstate New York).
01/07-02/07/2023 Invited to New York for giving teachings and empowerment
06/07/2023 Wishing His Holiness the great 14th Dalai Lama a happy 88th Birthday!
12/06-13/06/2023 Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche visited Ladakh's nomadic herders and graciously gave teachings and blessings to the public.
11/06/2023 Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche bestowed long life empowerment at Pema Wodbar upon request of the organisation of Ladhak Buddhist Association and Thekchog Pema Gatshel Rinpoche. Afterwards, Kyabje Rinpoche conducted the consecration ceremony and gave teachings to believers in the evening. Later, Kyabje Rinpoche had dinner with Chief Executive Counsellor and others.
10/06/2023 Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche visited Dragthok Monastery which was founded by the 6th Supreme Head of Ngagyur Nyingma His Holiness Taklung Tsetrul Rinpoche. And gave teachings and advice to believers.
09/06/2023 Groundbreaking ceremony for new temple and consecration for library & gave teachings and bestowed empowerment.
07/06/2023 Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche arrived in Leh Ladakh as per the continuous requests from Theg Chog Pema Gatshel Monastery ever since a few years ago. Kyabje Rinpoche was received by the President of Ladakh Buddhist Association, members of the monasteries, the sangha community, the Tibetan Youth Congress, the Tibetan Women’s Association, and so forth at the airport. Later, Kyabje Rinpoche presided over the puja at the Ladakh Leh Jowo temple.
04/06/2023 Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche bestowed the Blessing of Shadhana articles followed by the Lamp Offering Prayer, and ended the 53rd Kama Sadhana in auspiciousness.
And on behalf of Namdroling Monastery, Kyabje Rinpoche offered vegetarian food to the devotees and visitors on the 15th Day of Saga Dawa, which is the Gathering of the Three Auspicious Days of Buddha Shakyamuni.
03/06/2023 Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche presided over the performance of the wrathful ritual dance on the sixth day of Kama Drub-Choed.
02/06/2023 Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche presided over the Garcham (lama dance) of Kama Drubchoe, and the annual accounts of year 2022 of Namdroling Monastery was read out to the sangha community by the specific treasurer of the respective departments of the monastery In the evening.
01/06/2023 A conference on the annual account of the monastery was held in the Conference Hall of Namdroling Monastery in the evening.
30/05/2023 the auspicious day of Guru Rinpoche, Kyabje Rinpoche presided over the display of the gaint Thangka of Guru Rinpoche.
29/05~04/06/2023 Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche presided over the 53rd Kama Drubchoed (Great Accomplishment Ceremony that Confers the Supreme and Common Siddhis of the Kama Teachings), which started today and will end on the 15th of the Saga Dawa Month.
27/05/2023 Presided over the one-month retreat in Nepal
03/05~08/05/2023 Dharma Activities in Nepal
28/04/2023 Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche started the one-month retreat of Ngondro (Preliminary Teachings), Tsalung (Channels and Winds Practice), and Dzogchen (Great Perfection) of the Namchoe tradition called ‘Buddha in the Palm of the Hand’ by Terton Mingyur Dorji at Sherpa Monastery near Boudhanath in Nepal upon request of the Himalayan Sherpa Buddhist Culture Protection Society.
17/04/2023 Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche bestowed the Long Life empowerment to the public of Kollegal as requested by Dondhen Ling Refugee camp of Kollegal; And gave blessings to local retreat houses.
08/04/2023 Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche led the last 'Phowa' practice of the annual one-month retreat of the Namchoe Dzogchen called "Buddha in the Palm of the Hand" .
Afterwards, Kyabje Rinpoche has been presiding over the Tsemar Mahakala starting today for 3 days.
27/03/2023 Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche gave refuge practice vow and beneficial guide for present and future life to the novice monks and nuns of Namdroling monastery of the year 2023.
07/03/2023 Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche bestowed blessings upon all the faithful people attending with the objects of Siddhi during completion day of Maha-Sadhana.
07/03/2023 Kyabje Gyang Khang Chogtrul Rinpoche presided over the completion of Maha-Sadhana. At the dawn of the last day of Maha-Sadhana on Ratling Tsechok (The Longevity Puja discovered by Ratna Lingpa), Kyabje Rinpoche received all the siddhi; In the morning the precious thangka of the Three Longevity Divinities was displayed followed by the Lama Dances; In the afternoon the objects of Siddhi were blessed to all the faithful people attending; Finally, in the evening the closing ceremony was performed by Butter Lamp Prayers followed by verses of auspiciousness.
28/02~07/03/2023 February 28-March 7, 2023, Kyabje Gyang khang Chogtrul Rinpoche’s been presiding over the annual Maha-Sadhana.
(The annual Maha-Sadhana (Tib: Drubchen) in Namdroling Monastery is conducted on the Miracle Month every year from the 8th to 15th of the First Month of Tibetan Calendar)
March 1, 2023, The display of the Guru Rinpoche’s Thangka of Maha-Sadhana Practice, and the precious Ritual Dance of Guru Padmasambhava's Eight Manifestations.
25/02/2023 Kyabje Gyang khang Chogtrul Rinpoche has preached Buddhist teaching, refuge vows and general advice for the well being of Malaysia country and its people as requested by students association of Malaysia.
21/02/2023 Kyabje Gyang khang Chogtrul Rinpoche led the monks and nuns to welcome the Water-Female Rabbit Year by conducting rituals of the Bodhisattva Vows and Paying Homage and Making Offerings to the Buddha together with his retinue of Arhats and other prayers as the first activity in the morning for ushering in peace, prosperity and good health. This is followed by the offering of Khadhar (scarf) to the throne of His Holiness Pema Norbu Rinpoche, and celebrated the Losar afterwards.
08/02/2023~ Kyabje Gyang khang Chogtrul Rinpoche was invited to visit Himalayan Chhamba Gumba Committee, Yariang Gumba Committee and Labtse Gumba, to lead the consecration ceremonies and to bestow empowerments and teachings. Kyabje Rinpoche also visited the other committees as per their request.
At the same time, Kyabje Rinpoche also visited the location where artist Lama Karsang is painting the fresco for the Vajrakilaya temple of Namdroling Monastery.
22-31/01/2023 Kyabje Gyang khang Chogtrul Rinpoche presides over the 34th Nyingma Monlam Chenmo (the World Peace Ceremony) at Bodh Gaya, India, which is being conducted by the gathering of over ten thousand people included the monks & nuns and the yogis from about 195 monastery, and the faithful devotees from various places.
18/01/2023 The entire sangha and community of Ngagyur Nyingmapa made Tenshug Offering for His Holiness the Dalai Lama at Palyul Namdroling Monastery in Bodh Goya.
































































































































































































































































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