

於聖地建寺乃為第三世貝諾法王之心願,如今【雅久白玉圖豋謝竹雀闊達吉林】已興建完成, 佛經云:發心造塔建寺及佛像之功德福報,將延續至未來生生世世之中...祈願全球諸善信大德皆能發長遠心,護持聖地建寺之殊勝因緣,相信無論對於自己或是後世子孫,必能累積無量福德資糧。

The last wish of His Holiness that was to construct a Monastery at the holy place, and now, the construction of “Ngagyur Palyul Thupten Shedrup Choekhor Dargyeling”has been completed; the Buddhist sutra says thatarousing Bodhicitta to construct stupa, temple and Buddha statue, such virtue and meritwill be accumulated to one’s future generations…May all believers and disciples around the world couldgrasp the supreme opportunity andpersevere in providing ongoing support to Monastery’s operation and maintenancethen either one or one’sposteritywill accumulate immeasurable merit and virtue.